
Have you ever wondered what is that Distant Landscape?

Do you want to capture the Longest Line of Sight pictures?

If this is your case, or if you just landed here moved by your curiosity, please have a seat and enjoy the view…  We are Beyond Horizons, home of the Farthest Picture on Earth!

Check it out! Distant sight World Record (443 km in a single picture!)

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Make-of: We have a New World Record

An amazing world where Geography, Mountaineering, Meteorology and Photography come together to achieve sights that are beyond human imagination and to show us how beautiful our planet is.

Want to beat it? Here you can find the Longest Lines of Sight on Earth!


Pictured Sights


Registered Sights

443 km

Longest Registered

Greatest Hits

412 kilometers
Canigo – Barre des Ecrins
Pyrenees – Alps
443 kilometers
Finestrelles – Pic Gaspard
Pyrenees – Alps

388 kilometers
Canigo – Alps
307 kilometers
Mallorca – Pyrenees

Worlwide Distant Sights

302 kilometers
Marseille – Canigo

283 kilometers
Spain – Atlas Range, Morocco
314 kilometers
Rome – Corsica
332 kilometers
Massif Central – Mont Blanc
260 kilometers
Corsica – Mainland France
201 kilometers
Italy – Croatia

Do not forget to send us your pictures of distant sights… the best will be published on the page each month!

You can contact us at: beyondhorizons2@gmail.com

4 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Greetings,

    I’m an amateur photographer and I really admire your work.  I was hoping you could help me answer a few questions that have been on my mind after looking at your world record distant landscape photos:

    1) How can we view the moon with high power zoom lenses like we do, if it’s 238,900 miles from earth?  I can get close enough with my Canon Powershot 50x HS camera to see actual craters, how is that even possible if it is indeed this far away?!  Is it possible that the moon is closer than what we’ve been told?

    2) If the earth is 25,000 miles in circumference, then the formula to calculate curvature comes out to be an 8″ dip per miles squared.  For example, 3 miles should exhibit a dip in curvature over the horizon of 72″ (8″ x 9).

    However, there seems to be an anomaly in the world record photo…

    If the distance to Barre des Écrins is indeed 440 km, and the photo was taken at a height of 2,820 meters, the math for earth’s curvature (8″ of dip per mile squared) suggests that Barre des Écrins should not even be visible to the observer – it should be hidden by 2,681.5 feet (817.32 meters) behind the horizon.  Even after taking refraction into account (which is a mere 1/12 of this hidden distance), the mountain in viewing sight should still be 2,458 feet (749.19 meters) below the horizon.

    Don’t just believe me though, please check my work and visit: https://dizzib.github.io/earth/curve-calc/?d0=439.99464960023647&h0=2820.0438917337233&unit=metric

    So, with all due respect, this brings me to the conclusion that either one of three possibilities remain.  One, (which I highly doubt) the photo was photoshopped.  Two, the earth is much LARGER than 25,000 miles in circumference.  Or three, the ancients were indeed right about the shape of the earth, being a flat plane.

    Like I mentioned, I’m an amateur photographer so I’m just looking for some answers to these 2 questions mentioned above.  The math doesn’t seem to be adding up in my head!

    Thank you for your time,



  2. Gracias por toda la información y por acercarnos más al precioso mundo de la montaña que tantas veces vemos tan lejano! Fotos Preciosas y paisajes increíbles! Si eres un amante del montañismo y de la fotografía este es definitivamente tu lugar! Saludos desde Italia!

    Grazie per tutta l’info e per fare del mondo della montagna uno molto più approvabile a tutti! Preziose fotografie e posti incredibili! Se sei un amante de questi mondi e della fotografia, stai nel posto giusto! Saluti dalla Italia!

    Thank you for all the informations and for making mountains approachable to everyone! Beautiful pictures, amazing places! If you are a hiking and fotography lover, this is your place! Greetings from Italy!

    Liked by 1 person

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